HIGS offers UGC journal paper publication services in a fast and easy way. We give you a UGC journal list for 2024-2025 for all the research domains. University Grants Commission is a medium through which you can publish your articles. We help you in writing, rewriting, publication, and revision. HIGS offers timely help in publishing your papers in UGC care list journals. HIGS will help you in both free & paid UGC journal publications. We are your ultimate guide in the publication process. HIGS provides endless research assistance from the beginning of the research to the end. We are your ultimate journal service provider and offer publication help across all research areas.

    Generally, the UGC Care List Journal 2024-2025 is classified into the following categories. They are,
  • i) Sciences
  • ii) Social Sciences
  • iii) Arts and Humanities
  • iv) Multidisciplinary based on All Science Journal Classification

How to choose the University Grants Commission Journals?

Recently, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has been playing a vital role in promoting quality research in India by maintaining a list of UGC Approved Journals, often called the UGC-CARE List. UGC care list of journals holds carefully curated lists of journals, that meet specific quality criteria and hold academic integrity. UGC always maintains a highly standard list of journals to offer scholars a reliable reference for selecting a reputable journal. There are several factors that HIGS recommends to you to select a reputable journal under UGC- Care List. They are,

  • Focus on journal relevance
  • Journal’s impact factor
  • Journal’s citation index
  • Peer- review process
  • Publication frequency & timeliness
  • Open access & copyright policies
  • Journal indexing & abstracting
  • Ethical publishing standards

Get PAID And FREE Publication Assistance

We at HIGS provide fast and easy journal publication assistance across all the research areas. Let us know whether you are looking for a free publication or a paid journal publication. As a client of HIGS, you can let us know the details of your entire research work, your research title, your abstract, and your customized requirements with us to make your publication easier. We will give you an exact journal suggestion based on your manuscript, the quality of the journal, and more.


Connect with our subject-based writers here


If you are looking for the publication of the paper in a UGC-approved journal, then we include the following “10” steps below. They are,

  • step: 01 HIGS has already given all the details on this page. You can fill out the given form and send it to us. Confirm your order and let us move on your project.
  • step: 02 You can share the paper topic and abstract with us.
  • step: 03 We will analyze it and suggest a suitable journal to you.
  • step: 04 You need to tell us whether you have written the research paper or if you need help in writing your research paper.
  • step: 05 If the paper has already been written, then we will check it to confirm that it has all the quality standards.
  • step: 06 If it lacks the journal metric, then we will suggest paper rewriting. And we will help you in the same.
  • step: 07 After all the quality checks, we will forward it to the journal.
  • step: 08 You can wait for the given timeline to publish your paper.
  • step: 09 Finally, you can enjoy the paper acceptance.
  • step: 10 You can share & promote your research paper.

What are all the rules for UGC journal paper publication?

There are so many rules in the process of journal publication. It is the primary responsibility to ensure the quality, authenticity, and originality of the research paper. And every journal has its general terms & conditions. But there may be a slight difference in some terms. Here, we have listed some of the common rules of publishing & writing a research paper. They are,

The thesis should be written in English. It must be typewritten on A4 size paper. The approximate size of the paper is about 21 cm x 29.7 cm in a clear and legible font. The university-recommended font is Times New Roman in 12. It is good to write your entire thesis with the same font. You can use different fonts if needed in the sections of tables and figures.


  • Use a standard font like 12 pt Times New Roman or 11 pt Arial.
  • Set 1-inch page margins.
  • Double-line spacing must be given.
  • Give APA running head on every page if you are going for journal submission.
  • Indent every new paragraph ½ inch.
  • You should fill up your first page with the following key information. They are,
  • Your full name should be given
  • Your PhD Guide or supervisor’s name must be given.
  • The course name & subject code must be mentioned.
  • Mention the due date of the assignment
What is the process we follow in your journal publication?

HIGS always follows only quality methods to do your research. Here, we have mentioned our entire working methodology. They are,

  • 01. Fill up the order form.
  • 02. Confirm your order
  • 03. Talk with our team and get a free technical discussion session
  • 04. We work with your project and give a first draft
  • 05. We explain to you through live discussion sessions
  • 06. Let us know the essential corrections that are to be done in your research work.
  • 07. We make all the corrections and we start doing your main work.
  • 08. After that, your prepared manuscript will be edited & proofreaded.
  • 09. Then, we will undergo a quality assessment process. We will check the paper for the required quality standards.
  • 10. After all the quality assessments we will deliver the work to you.

Advantages of Publishing papers in UGC-approved journals

You will get the following benefits while publishing your papers in UGC journals. They are

mystery Enhanced Visibility

UGC-approved journals often have a wider readership, increasing the visibility and impact of your research.

workspace_premium Quality

These journals undergo rigorous evaluation processes, to ensure that your paper has no errors.

post_add Academic Recognition

Publications in UGC-approved journals give academic recognition and career progression to researchers.

library_books Indexing and Citations

Many UGC-approved journals are indexed in a famous database which maintains greater citations and academic recognition.


HIGS will give you the publication assurance for fast and easy journal publication. We undergo both free and paid journal publication for your PhD. We are not only undertaking UGC journal publication, we are here for your entire research support from the beginning of the research to the end. We will write, edit, and proofread your document. We give you a Turnitin plagiarism-checking service to provide better research assistance.

We will remove all the obstacles in your research pathway and provide top-notch support for the fastest journal publication help in the UGC journal. We will make sure the following,

  • Your paper has the lowest plagiarism level under Turnitin
  • Your paper has no errors and grammar mistakes
  • Your paper is written based on relatable sources
  • Your paper is going to be published in one of the top-rated journals.
  • Your paper has a 100% publication assurance
  • You can publish your paper in both free and paid journals.
  • We will provide rewriting support if your paper is written at a low-quality level.
  • We also do journal revision and journal resubmission processes.
  • We will do the quality assessment processes to ensure your paper meets the required quality level before publication.

What are all the subject areas we cover in UGC journal publication?

You can get the entire UGC care list 2024-2025 from our site. You can reach us for any research support for all the research domains. Our team commonly undergoes research paper publication in the following domains: They are,

Engineering, Technology, Arts, Medicine, management, Marketing, Law, Science, Business, Commerce, and more. If you are unable to find your subject area, connect with us through to get research assistance for your domain.

Our Simple “5” steps of UGC journal publication

These ‘5’ simple publication steps will ease your publication. Here, you look over the following steps that we follow at HIGS.

Step 1

Submit your research paper

Submit your research paper title with an abstract of your research manuscript and author details on which you want to publish your paper in a UGC care list journal.

Step 2

Assign a journal

We review your research paper with the help of our in-house research team. We complete the quality assessment process before submitting it to the reputed journal.

Step 3

Process payment

We ask you to the payment as required by the journal. It depends on the free or paid journal you choose for the publication assistance.

Step 4

Make paper ready to publish

We prepare a standard format for your research paper according to the journal guidelines. We will suggest you for the paper if your paper has a low-quality level.

Step 5

Let’s publish it!

We will share your paper with our collaborated UGC journal. We assure fast journal publication for both free & paid journals. We assure you of a maximum of 150- days of publication timing for paid journals. We are unable to give you a time commitment for free journals. But we can give you a publication assurance for free journals. Finally, we will share the published paper details with you.

Why should you publish your papers in the UGC journal?

history_edu Best collection of reputed journals with low charges

We collaborate with world-class journal such as SCI, IEEE, Annexure, UGC, Springer, and more that follows all the publication ethics with the lowest publication charges.

history_edu Best-in-class experienced publishing team

We have a top-rated & highly experienced team of paper publishing experts. Our team has experience in helping you in the publication process in a fast and easy manner.

history_edu Fast publication of your research paper

Our team at HIGS undergoes fast and easy journal publication. We provide less time for publication while comparing with the journal.

history_edu We help you with journal-based paper formatting

We provide standard journal papers as per the university guidelines. We never come out of the standard formats given by the university.

history_edu We generate a detailed plagiarism report

We use an advanced plagiarism tool to check the uniqueness of your research paper content. We use only Turnitin plagiarism check for checking your plagiarism percentage.

history_edu Friendy publication support

We understand the queries and doubts you have. You can reach us anytime through any method. You can call us by dialing “+91 6382814563” . and you can mail us by

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does it cost to publish my paper in UGC journals?
It depends on the paper you send, and the journal you choose. Once you have chosen the journal, we let you know the price details.
2. Will you provide me with a journal revision?
Yes. we will. You will get a free journal revision for your research paper until it gets published.
3. How long will it take for my Engineering paper to be published?
It is based on the type of journal you are choosing. Time commitments will not be provided for free journal publication. If you select a paid journal, we can give you 150- days for publication.
4. Will you follow journal guidelines while proofreading my paper?
Yes. We give 100% journal adherence for your research paper. We follow all the journal guidelines while writing, editing, proofreading, and revising your paper.
5. How much processing fee will be charged for free journal publication?
Price details completely depend on the type of project. You can share your project details and we let you know the price details.